ACD, TAMU-SA Announce Promise-to-Promise Partnership


区 Communications

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The 阿拉莫大学 区 (ACD) and Texas A&圣安东尼奥M大学(TAMU-SA)今天宣布了一项扩大的转学协议,允许符合条件的学生从五所十大网赌正规网址官网中的任何一所开始,然后无缝地转到TAMU-SA完成四年制学位,同时两所学院都承担教育费用.


AlamoPROMISE 是一个在阿拉莫五所学院之一向20个学区和合作伙伴提供免学费大学教育的项目吗, including 73 圣安东尼奥-area high schools and programs, as well as private, 宪章, and home schools in Bexar县.

TAMU-SA的 捷豹的承诺 program is a transformational initiative that provides free tuition, 费用, and a $300 book stipend per semester for eligible first-year and transfer students.  

“ACD和TAMU-SA之间的承诺对承诺伙伴关系证明了我们共同致力于让所有学生都能接受高等教育,”医生说。. Mike Flores, 阿拉莫大学 区 Chancellor. “通过提供更无缝的转学途径和支付两所院校的教育费用, 我们正在消除经济障碍,为学生实现他们的学术和职业目标打开大门."



Other seamless transfer tracks include: 

  • Jag Path计划:适用于申请TAMU-SA的一年级学生,他们可能没有资格直接入学. 接受Jag Path课程的学生可以在秋季学期被ACD双重录取,而无需完成ACD的申请.
  • Jag Bound for ACD students: ACD students who apply during the fall or spring term, have yet to attend another college/university, express their intention to transfer to TAMU-SA by the end of their first term at ACD, and enroll in 60 semester credit hours. 
  • 无缝三层转学计划:针对已确定的isd高中学生,他们完成了ACD的双重注册, earn an Associate of Arts in Teaching or an Associate of Arts/Associate of Science, and are admitted to TAMU-SA to finish their Bachelor's Degree in Education, 儿童发展, or another agreed-upon track.

阿拉莫大学 transfer student Aubri Lalinde 会是TAMUSA最新的“承诺到承诺”项目的首批合格学生吗. 她是第一代大学生,最近刚从帕洛阿尔托学院(帕洛阿尔托 college)毕业,获得工商管理副学士学位. 

Lalinde said she was thrilled when she learned about Promise-to-Promise, as a way to further her education and help her and her son form a better future.

“德州&圣安东尼奥大学和我们在十大网赌正规网址官网的伟大合作伙伴都有一个共同的使命,那就是为学生和我们的社区服务. “承诺对承诺”伙伴关系是我们共同承诺的产物,即为学生开放尽可能多的途径和切入点,使他们的学术目标触手可及,德州A说&M University-圣安东尼奥 President Salvador Hector Ochoa.

“A&M-圣安东尼奥 is a place where access meets opportunity and with the Promise-to-Promise, we’re removing financial and procedural barriers to access so that these students, who come to us so well prepared by our colleagues in the 阿拉莫大学, can pursue the educational opportunities that a four-year university has to offer them.”

大约75%的十大网赌正规网址官网学生转学到四年制大学完成他们的学位. 在2023学年,2007名学生从十大网赌正规网址官网转学到TAMUSA.

Over the past five years, 大约83%转到TAMU-SA的学生隶属于十大网赌正规网址官网. 

新的“承诺对承诺”伙伴关系加强了合作院校之间的合作学生支持系统. 它最终将帮助成千上万的学生节省资金,减少完成学士学位所需的时间.

This partnership is the second such expanded partnership for the 阿拉莫大学. In 2022, ACD与德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的“大胆承诺”项目建立了类似的伙伴关系. For more information, visit 阿拉莫.edu/tamusa.

关于 the 阿拉莫大学 区

At the 阿拉莫大学 区, 高质量的教育和负担得起的费用为学生和校友提供了非凡的价值,他们是社区经济和文化的主要贡献者.

关于德州A&M University-圣安东尼奥

美国东部时间ablished as a stand-alone university in 2009, Texas A&M大学-圣安东尼奥是一所综合性的四年制公立大学,反映了文化的多样性, heritage-rich community it serves.

Situated on nearly 700 acres in 南圣安东尼奥, the University offers 39 undergraduate degrees and 23 graduate degrees to about 7,620名学生.

A&M-圣安东尼奥 is home to the Henry G. Cisneros Institute for Emerging Leaders, the Cyber Engineering Technology/Cyber Security Research Center, and the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement.

该大学拥有西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)称号,是美国39所高等教育机构之一.S. to have received the Seal of Excelencia certification from Excelencia in Education for its support of Latino student success. More than 77 percent of A&M-SA students identify as Hispanic, and approximately 72 percent are the first in their families to attend college.

A&M-圣安东尼奥 is a military-embracing institution; the University was recently awarded the 2023 Gold Veteran Education Excellence Recognition Award (VEERA) from the Texas 退伍军人 Commission. 访问 for more information. # onamission